
Our Approach

Kibo Capital Partners makes responsible investments  and adheres to the highest Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) standards. During the life of our investments, we strictly follow the guidelines set up by development finance leaders such as the International Finance Corporation.

ESG is a key part of our investment decision making process. We integrate a rigorous ESG lens at each stage of our investment process; from initial screening to exit. Through our focus on sustainable investments, we have helped to support local communities across our target regions and made our portfolio companies stronger, positioning them for better growth and creating more jobs.

ESG Across our Portfolio

At KCP, we identify investment opportunities and enhance value by addressing ESG issues across the investment cycle. We actively work with our portfolio companies to create sustainable value while generating financial returns. This is achieved through sharing our knowledge and tools and providing support in matters such as labour relations, environmental management, diversity, inclusion and good governance.

Headline Numbers


Employees in Portfolio Companies


of Employees are Female


Boards set up in portfolio companies

Our Process

Deal sourcing and Due Diligence
- We carry out a thorough ESG due diligence on every opportunity prior to investment
- We also tap into Technical Assistance facilities offered by the investor base to hire expert consultants who prepare a comprehensive ESMS or implement ESG due diligence recommendations.
Portfolio Management
- An Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS), developed with input from ESG experts and KCP's investor base, guide KCP in ESG monitoring
- KCP continuously work with its portfolio companies to implement strategic and operational objectives.
- The portfolio companies are assessed annually on various ESG metrics including (i) corporate taxes paid, (ii) employment metrics and (iii) jobs created
- KCP attends ESG training regularly and consult with ESG experts on best practices

KCP’s contribution to the
UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sector and portfolio companies

Manufacturing & Agribusiness


Job creation in rural regions of Ethiopia and achieved coffee prices higher than commercial coffee.

UN SDG Alignment

Sector and portfolio companies

Education & Healthcare
(IMG Uganda, Ciel Healthcare Ltd, Transcom)


Improved access to quality and affordable healthcare facilities. Also increased access to affordable and high quality education.

UN SDG Alignment

Sector and portfolio companies

Financial services & Tech
(M-finance, I&M Rwanda and Tanzania),
Manufacturing & FMCG
(Dough Works Limited, Tropigalia, Merec)


Increased access to financial services to the mass market and SMEs. Kibo I and Kibo II employ a total of approx. 4,987 employees, of which 42% are women.

UN SDG Alignment

Sector and portfolio companies

Consumer Goods
(Blowplast Limited, Merec Industries)


The portfolio companies are constantly innovating to improve electricity usage and use of recycled plastics as part of their raw materials.

UN SDG Alignment

Sector and portfolio companies

All sectors


Focus on improving working conditions and increasing value to the portfolio companies through product portfolio expansion and regional expansion.

UN SDG Alignment

Case Studies


  • Support of Children: One of the CSR activities, which Tropigalia has and which is of institutional relevance is the support to Casa do Gaiato, an organization which cares for more than 2,000 abandoned children and orphans. This organization also takes care of 160 children in boarding school.
  • Rebuilding after the Cyclone: After the cyclone Idai, Tropigalia supported its colleagues from Beira by providing an interest-free loan of up to a maximum of 3 salaries each and together with the global nonprofit organization PSI (Population Services International), Tropigalia offered various domestic appliances (pots, buckets, basins, etc.) to its affected colleagues. Along with Colgate, the Company also made in-kind contributions by offering goods worth USD 30,000 to the victims of the cyclone, of which USD 25,000 were from Colgate and USD 5,000 from Tropigalia. Together with Unilever, the Company equally supported several schools in the recovery of its facilities, with a focus especially on clean drinking water supply.
  • Healthcare: Every year on Child’s Day and together with other partners (BCI bank of Mozambique being the most relevant), the Company offers medical kits to the hospital of Machava.


Conscious of how important socially responsible efforts are to its students, employees and stakeholders, Transcom very often undertakes a number of CSR initiatives.

  • Education: Every year, Transcom grants social and merit scholarships (ranging from 25% to 100%) to its students, notably those of its Higher Education and Applied Research unit (ISUTC) and Vocational Training and Professional Secondary Education unit (ITC). The Company also financially supports ISUTC’s Student Association and the sports activities of both ISUTC and ITC. In 2018, Transcom invested more than MZN 1.58m (USD 25k) in these activities.
  • Rebuilding after Cyclone: After the intense tropical cyclone Idai caused catastrophic damage in Beira, Transcom developed a campaign to collect food and clothing at ITC and ISUTC. Together with other institutions, Transcom transported these goods to the city of Beira and then distributed same locally with the support of international organizations.
  • Staff Development: As part of the labor regulations in force in the company, Transcom also provides support and contributions for the studies of its employees, financing in full the value of their fees, even for institutions not within the Transcom group.


The team at Metad is fully cognizant of the importance of social responsibility and has undertaken a number of activities to ensure its business activities have a significant positive impact to the members of the community, specifically the farmers that they work with.

  • Land Compensation: Metad has a comprehensive method in place for compensating land users who might be found on land that has been allocated to them by the government, which includes compensation for improvements made to the land.
  • Out grower Scheme: METAD has an out-grower scheme program with farmers, where they buy the farmers’ coffee at a premium above the market price. Metad also provides them with information on the coffee markets regarding prices and future demand trends. The scheme supports over 6,500 out-growers, as well as an additional 65,000+ household members.
  • Farmer Training: They provide training on modern techniques of production and post handling of coffee in association with USAID, they also supply the out-growers with high-yield coffee seedlings on credit and tree seedlings for shade trees free of charge.
  • CSR: Metad’s CSR activities includes support of 8,000 elementary students through scholarships, working with community leaders to support health and assistance in construction of schools, roads and a clinic.
Some of the team members of Mr. Green Africa

Dough Works Limited

While still a young company, Dough Works Limited is taking CSR seriously and has commenced a few noteworthy initiatives, including free food donations to homeless people as well as classroom education on dietary considerations. A recent and highly impactful initiative is described below:

  • Dough Works strove to employ deaf and partially mute employees in each of its Pizza Hut outlets. This as recognition of the sever obstacles faced by people with disabilities to find a place, meaning, and social security in the Tanzanian formal labor market. The below video shows a new Dough Works employee thanking her team for the opportunity to work at the store.
Some of the team members of Mr. Green Africa

CIEL Healthcare (CHL)

CIEL continuously endeavors to contribute to the welfare of the communities in which the Group conducts business. It manages this commitment through Fondation CIEL Nouveau Regard (FCNR), the vehicle for community development of the CIEL Group.

Established in 2004, FCNR is engaged in the fight against poverty and exclusion, education and disability. Since February 2010, FCNR has been empowered to receive the CSR tax through funding from subsidiary companies of CIEL. The Foundation has invested some MUR 84m (USD 2.3m) since 2005 in various projects managed by local NGOs, with whom it has developed close partnerships.

  • Communication Platform for Social Professionals: FCNR equally funds and manages a communication platform for NGOs called After 10 years of operation, is considered as the reference web platform for social professionals. Today it has more than 100 NGOs registered on the website and hosts numerous workshops and activities every year.
Some of the team members of Mr. Green Africa

I&M Bank Rwanda

I&M Bank has over the years remained consistent to its commitment to CSR, which is an integral and valued pillar of the bank. The bank supports the community they operate in through several CSR activities with a special focus on; Education, Capacity Building, Rehabilitation, Health and Environmental sustainability.

  • Rebuilding Survivors’ Lives: In 2018, I&M Bank participated in the commemoration of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and helped survivors rebuild their lives through supporting rehabilitation work in Nyanza District, Rwanda
  • Healthcare: As part of their health focused CSR activities, I&M participated in Childhood Cancer Awareness activities through Rwanda Children’s Cancer Relief (RCCR) for the 5th year in a row. This is a part of their efforts to increase awareness and sensitization on symptoms of cancer and cure upon early detection.
    • Another healthcare initiative from I&M Bank involved offering access to community-based health insurance to 2,000 vulnerable people in Rwanda’s rural districts.
  • Education: They also sponsored the refurbishment of IGIHOZO Early childhood Development Center in partnership with USAID.
Some of the team members of Mr. Green Africa

Blowplast (K) Limited

Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the core pillars of Blowplast’s ethos. The company has in place a comprehensive CSR policy document that describes the company’s core CSR activities.

  • Education & Healthcare: Some of the current projects that Blowplast is working on is supporting local primary schools through donations, tree planting and involving their employees in blood donation exercises.
  • Transforming Lives through Employment: Another impressive CSR activity Blowplast has undertaken includes giving employment opportunities to former sex workers. The area where the Blowplast offices in Kenya are located (Mlolongo area, along Mombasa Road) has a high number of sex workers. As part of its CSR activities, Blowplast trained and recruited them to work in their factory, hence giving them a safer and more consistent source of income and transforming their lives for the better.
  • Recycling: It is also important to note that being a plastics manufacturer, Blowplast is committed to environmental protection through production of recyclable plastic. To do this, Blowplast has entered into a strategic partnership with Mr. Green Africa, a company whose business model is focused on processing recyclable material into valuable raw materials and then feeding it back into the manufacturers supply chain. To do this, Mr. Green involves marginalized waste pickers by offering premium prices for their services (collecting the waste from factories). This strategic partnership ultimately helps people at the base of the pyramid, reduce plastic waste through recycle and reduce Blowplast costs of production.
Some of the team members of Mr. Green Africa

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Copyright by KIBO CAPITAL. All rights reserved.